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Autorización de Apertura de Instituciones Educativas Privadas

Es un proceso de asesoría y evaluación que se pone al alcance de todo los ciudadanos interesados en fundar y/o crear instituciones educativas privadas pre-universitarias, que inicia con la comunicación escrita de solicitud de permiso de apertura por el titular del centro educativo a la Dirección General de Acreditación de Centros Educativos, vía el Distrito Educativo correspondiente, con 6 meses de anticipación.

Dirigido a:

Todo interesado en fundar y/o crear una Institución Educativa, bajo la asesoría y supervisión del Ministerio de Educación

Resultado del servicio:

Autorización de Apertura o Rechazo.

Área responsable:

Dirección General de Acreditación de Centros Educativos.

Requerimientos del servicio:

  • Disponibilidad para la evaluación del proyecto y/o institución.
  • Haber realizado la solicitud de permiso por escrito, a la Dirección General de Acreditación de Centros Educativos vía el Distrito Educativo correspondiente, con 6 meses de anticipación.

La solicitud de autorización para iniciar sus labores debe estar acompañada del ideario e indicar el nivel o niveles y la modalidad o modalidades que oferta, el tipo de bachillerato si incluye el nivel medio y la tanda en la cual labora.

Documentos requeridos para adquirir el servicio:

  • Carta de solicitud de apertura.
  • Informe sobre la institución educativa.
  • Ideario de la Institución.
  • Certificado de Registro de Nombre Comercial.

Procedimientos para adquirir el servicio:

Dirigir comunicación formal junto con los documentos requeridos a la Dirección General de Acreditación de Centros Educativos vía el distrito correspondiente.

Costo del servicio:


Tiempo de entrega del resultado del servicio:

Noventa (90) días laborables

Horario del servicio:

 Lunes a viernes de 8:00 A.M a 4:00 p.m.

Canal de prestación del servicio: 


Contactos del área:

Teléfono: 809-688-9700 Ext. 2845.

Ubicación del área que brindará el servicio:

Dirección General de Acreditación de Centros Educativos; Av. Máximo Gómez No. 2, esq. c/ Santiago, Gazcue, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicana. 4to nivel, Sede Central Ministerio de Educación.

Dónde recibir este servicio:

Valore nuestro servicio

Los campos marcados con (*) son obligatorios

Deepak Gupta


I dont know who need to hear this but honestly speaking women ain't reliable, they are worst creature on earth, imagine trusting this babe with all my life and all l have not knowing she's after money,l disclose everyting to her untill l discovered she makes some calls secretly with a guy from Kentucky,Dude hes sharp in denying things,that's what prompted me to hire this ethical hacker via email: Samsmithcyberhost((AT)gmail(DOT)com, he get me all his phone call records and whatsapp messages,it was so heartbreaking though. hire this ethical if you have tust issue via email: [email protected] whatsapp or Call on: +1 (323)374-3539.. cghjbn

Raquel Peña


Hola. Desearía saber los pasos a seguir para abrir un centro bilingüe preescolar. Gracias




Scarlet Cora


I met my baby daddy on tinder. We talked for a month i was living in newyork and he was living in Georgia. I had plans on moving to Georgia within a month so i did the global settings on tinder. He told me everything i wanted to hear for that month, he even invited me to stay with him for a week while i get my apartment together. This was in May btw , late May into June. So yea, we did the deed and we spoke after i moved to my place but his busy work schedule just wasn’t working for me so i decided to end whatever we had going on. My period was due and it didn’t come, i found out i was 5 weeks pregnant. I told the guy how i need him to take a dna test. Anyways. I had to wait until September to take the dna test and the guy quickly came around. At first he was very distant since he didn’t know, it was the lonely months of my life since i have no family here and i didn’t tell nobody about the father situation because i was ashamed. So fast forward, we are living together and doing okay. However, i am in this specific group for a reason lol. I suspected him of cheating, so I had to get proof. I saw an ad about a phone spying app and so I clicked it and it directed me to this website; CYBERPUNKERSORG. I filled out his details and after 8 hours I had access to his phone from my iPad. I found out he has other women in his life and has a serious romantic affair with his co worker. So here I am.

Scott Mecheal


People find it hard to stay committed again. It’s becoming a difficult thing. Getting information & data you need is quite not a big deal. Sometimes the truth needs to be unveiled by whatsoever means necessary. The latter of the case should always be reckoned with, of which it would be known eventually what would be the data at hand afterwards. definitely contact Sam would do justice on this intercepting with wares and you will have me to thank later. I finally caught him red handed... They also have refund policy if you wish not to further with your job. Contact him via Email; [email protected] whatsapp,Text or call on ;+1(323)374–3539. Tested and trusted. dfghj

Antonio caro


I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $508,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about kingshacker Recovery Company. I would highly recommend kingshacker Recovery to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. They are the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of kingshacker Recovery. Kindly reach out to them if you need any help. (kingshackerrecovery@ )

Antonio caro


I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $508,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about kingshacker Recovery Company. I would highly recommend kingshacker Recovery to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. They are the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of kingshacker Recovery. Kindly reach out to them if you need any help. (kingshackerrecovery@ )

Antonio caro


I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $508,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about kingshacker Recovery Company. I would highly recommend kingshacker Recovery to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. They are the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of kingshacker Recovery. Kindly reach out to them if you need any help. (kingshackerrecovery@ )

Antonio caro


I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $508,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about kingshacker Recovery Company. I would highly recommend kingshacker Recovery to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. They are the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of kingshacker Recovery. Kindly reach out to them if you need any help. (kingshackerrecovery@ )

Antonio caro


I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $508,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about kingshacker Recovery Company. I would highly recommend kingshacker Recovery to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. They are the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of kingshacker Recovery. Kindly reach out to them if you need any help. (kingshackerrecovery@ )

Antonio caro


I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $508,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about kingshacker Recovery Company. I would highly recommend kingshacker Recovery to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. They are the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of kingshacker Recovery. Kindly reach out to them if you need any help. (kingshackerrecovery@ )

Antonio caro


I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $508,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about kingshacker Recovery Company. I would highly recommend kingshacker Recovery to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. They are the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of kingshacker Recovery. Kindly reach out to them if you need any help. (kingshackerrecovery@ )

Antonio caro


I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $508,000 to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to the customer support but I was given no feedback, I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a way to recover my crypto.. I considered myself fortunate that I stumbled upon a post on the internet web about kingshacker Recovery Company. I would highly recommend kingshacker Recovery to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. They are the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. I never thought it would be possible to get back crypto once it is sent but I'm super happy and grateful for the services of kingshacker Recovery. Kindly reach out to them if you need any help. (kingshackerrecovery@ )

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